Harmony in Tourism and Development Simply Good for People Planet and Place

Harmony in Tourism and Development Simply Good for People Planet and Place

The Harmony Quality Mark

Net Positive Impacts for Climate Biodiversity and People


In total Harmony with the Natural Environment



Sustainable Tourism and Development Virtual Conference

25th May 2021, 9am GMT

 Tourism provides 10% of World GDP (UNEP) And 8% of Climate Gases (Nature)

Tourism is described as the largest voluntary transfer of resources to the developing world (BBC & Guardian)

Tourism has a massive Impact, so lets make it Positive

Ensure you’re Tourism and your Destination is

Good for People Planet and Place



- Green House Gases

- Carbon Dioxide

- Methane

- Nitrous Oxides

- Sulphur Oxides

- Particulates

Protecting and Restoring


- Ecosystems

- Oceans & Sea Life

- Fresh Water

- Land Protection

- Plant Species

- Animal Species

- Areas of Special Productivity

Preserving and Supporting


- Communities

- History

- Ancient Monuments

- Religious Sites

- Remedies and Health

Sustainability is such an important outcome of Covid , I am , therefore, ready to support TLC , as they strive to support a sustainability position of tourism development in leaping forward to protect our environment, our societies and our economies and thus sustaining life on earth. Taleb Rifai, Former Secretary General UNWTO

Source web Par : tlcharmony

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