UNESCO names 18 new Global Geoparks
UNESCO's Executive Board has endorsed the addition of 18 sites to the UNESCO Global Geoparks network. This brings the total number of geoparks to 195 in 48 countries. Two UNESCO Member States join the network: New Zealand and the Philippines.
The UNESCO Global Geopark label was created in 2015. It recognizes geological heritage of international significance. Geoparks serve local communities by combining the conservation of their significant geological heritage with public outreach and a sustainable approach to development. The 18 new designations have brought the network up to 195 UNESCO Global Geoparks, covering a total surface area of 486,709 km2, equivalent to twice the size of the United Kingdom.
The new geoparks are:
Brazil: Caçapava UNESCO Global Geopark
Brazil: Quarta Colônia UNESCO Global Geopark
Greece: Lavreotiki UNESCO Global Geopark
Indonesia: Ijen UNESCO Global Geopark
Indonesia: Maros Pangkep UNESCO Global Geopark
Indonesia: Merangin Jambi UNESCO Global Geopark
Indonesia: Raja Ampat UNESCO Global Geopark
Iran: Aras UNESCO Global Geopark
Iran: Tabas UNESCO Global Geopark
Japan: Hakusan Tedorigawa UNESCO Global Geopark
Malaysia: Kinabalu UNESCO Global Geopark
New Zealand: Waitaki Whitestone UNESCO Global Geopark
Norway: Sunnhordland UNESCO Global Geopark
Philippines: Bohol Island UNESCO Global Geopark
Republic of Korea: Jeonbuk West Coast UNESCO Global Geopark
Spain: Cabo Ortegal UNESCO Global Geopark
Thailand: Khorat UNESCO Global Geopark
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Mourne Gullion Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark
Le 26/08/2023
Source web par : globalgeopark
www.darinfiane.com www.cans-akkanaitsidi.net www.chez-lahcen-maroc.com
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